Some of the biggest scares of the film, like a tent being shaken and the sounds of children playing (which was audio recorded by Sánchez of his neighbors) were events the cast didn't know would happen.

The cast would receive instructions each day on what their characters' motivations were, each one being oblivious to one another's instructions, and react accordingly. Instead, Eduardo Sánchez and Daniel Myrick gave the cast a 35-page outline on the myth of the Blair Witch, which the actors thought was a real legend. The film itself never had a traditional script, as the filmmakers relied more on the skills of their cast to tell their story.
READ MORE: The Batman: 5 Great Directors That Could Replace Ben Affleck / 2016 Movie Awards Vote: Best Score / 2016 Movie Awards Vote: Best Visual Effects / Sci-Fi Films Whose Futures We've Passed In honor of the sequel's release, which features the brother of an original character headed back to the dreaded woods to find her, learn more about how The Blair Witch Project changed the face of horror forever! To get there, filmmakers had to employ a heavy amount of planning to get the reactions they wanted from their actors, and there are just as many interesting behind-the-scenes stories as the story we watch unfold in the film.

The film was a unique success, thanks to the marketing campaign that everything seen in the film is actual footage, and although there have been many imitators, no film has quite caught the pop culture zeitgeist in the way Blair Witch Project did. The latest film explores the mythology of the 1999 horror film that brought the concept of "found footage filmmaking" back to the world of film. Arriving on Blu-ray this week is Blair Witch, the highly-anticipated second sequel to The Blair Witch Project.